Your Mind, Our Focus: Psychiatry Tailored to You

Personalized and Compassionate Care

At Hidden Lakes Psychiatry we want every patient to feel seen and heard as we explore your thoughts, feelings and how these symptoms are affecting your life. Working together we develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. We take a holistic approach to include: medication management, psychotherapy techniques, lifestyle changes, supplements and family dynamics.

Specializes in Treating

  • Children and Adolescents

  • Adults up to 65 years

  • ADHD

  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Depression

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Mood Disorders

  • Behavioral Concerns

  • PTSD/Trauma

  • OCD

Get in Touch!

We’d like to learn more about what is bringing you to us. Click the link below to complete our prospective patient form. This will help us better understand your goals, preferences for care and scheduling for an appointment.